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Every state that was a state during the the Civil War.

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Q: What state caused controversy over slavery?
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What was released in 1852 that caused further controversy over the slavery issue?

The novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', written as a protest against the Fugitive Slave Act.

What presidential candidate in 1860 wanted to avoid controversy over slavery?

Stephan A. Douglas , Democrat, was probably the most flexible on the slavery question. He proposed popular sovereignty -- letting the people of a state or territory decide by an election whether of not to allow slavery in their state.

Which bill setteld the controversy over slavery in California?

The Compromise of 1850.

What owl caused controversy in the Oregon state Forrest over logging in the past 20 years?

The Northern Spotted Owl.

What was the controversy over the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It said were slavery was allowed in territories.

What was the slavery controversy?

The slavery controversy refers to the heated debate and conflict surrounding the institution of slavery in the United States leading up to the Civil War in the 19th century. It involved arguments over the morality, legality, and economic impact of slavery, ultimately leading to a war between the Northern and Southern states. The controversy ultimately resulted in the abolition of slavery in the United States.

What controversy causes a dispute over national government supremacy versus the rights of the separate states?


The Constitutional Convention addressed the North-South controversy over slavery through the?

The Thee-Fifths Compromise

Which presidential in 1860 wanted to avoid all controversy over slavery?

Constitutional Unionist John Bell

Which bill settled the controversy over slavery in California and in the rest of the Mexican cession?

The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

Which Bill settled in the controversy over slavery in California and The rest of the Mexican Cession?

The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

Which bill settled the controversy over slavery in California and the rest of the Mexican cession?

The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)