They did not have toys
In Colonial times, children didn't have electronic toys, or factories to make their toys. Many children or their parents made their toys out of scraps and things that were not needed. Little girls in Colonial times made their dolls out of corn husks, rags, scraps, and sometimes carved, dried apples as heads. The boys used sticks as imaginary horses. Children enjoyed spinning tops made of leftover wood and string.
Daily life in the Middle Colonies had a lot of activities going on. Such as the children often played, tag, marbles, hopscotch,hide and seek, etc. Except they didn't usually have toys, so when it was cold outside they made toys of their own. The olden days weren't like they are today... :) Hope that helped (:
Children did not have Nintendo, TV, or many books to read, so they often created their own games. They spent so much time in the schoolroom and doing chores that outdoor games were most appealing to them. One popular outdoor game was rolling the hoop. Taking a big wooden hoop, the children would race each other from one point to another on the lawn. The object of the game was to see who could get to the finishing point fastest. It sounds like an easy game, but the hoop was difficult to roll. Another fun game was nine pins, which is similar to bowling. Nine pins would be placed three in a row on the lawn and th eobject was to knock down all nine pins with a ball. The slope of the lawn made the game tricky. Children had sack races and played tag, quoits, marbles, hopscotch, leapfrog, and Blindman?s Buff. They flew kites and went fishing and swimming. Even simple activities like swinging or taking a walk were enjoyed if they had friend to accompany them. If the weather was bad, children often played with simple wooden toys like spinning tops and whirligigs, read, and embroidered samplers.
Hunt and fish or plant a garden. Things that were fun but also could give them something to eat. Also dancing , horseback riding and sailing, Children's games: Hopscotch, Ring Around the Rosy and House. And then of course there are card games for all ages and levels, plus board games like checkers and chess. For the boys, marksmanship and riding horses. Girls were allowed to ride, but probably boys had priority.
The same toys that American children play with.
children, idle
Colonial children, boys and girls played some of the same games that children of today play. These games included hopscotch, leapfrog, London Bridge, hide and seek, prisoner's base, and blindman's bluff. Colonial toys included balls, dolls, marbles, kites, tops, rolling hoops, and jump ropes. Most toys were homemade, but children from rich families had doll tea sets or toy soldiers that were imported from England.
Nothing, Toys Were Taken Away From Spartan Children.
to have fun
ANSWER:Colonial children played many games that are still popular, including hopscotch, leapfrog, London Bridge, hide and seek, and blind man's bluff.Colonial toys included balls, dolls, marbles, kites, tops, rolling hoops, and jump ropes.
a girl likes to play with their doles
they played with marbles and some poorer children made toys out of wood