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Canadian Patriot and messenger-scout . a sort of Female Paul Revere who played a similar role in the war of l8l2. Secord is hardly known in the US. There is a brand of candy that bears her name but this is merely honorific.

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Q: What was Laura secord remembered for?
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When did Laura secord?

Laura secord died on October 17 1868

Was Laura secord in World War 1?

No. Laura Secord was a Canadian heroine remembered for her role in the War of 1812. She lived to a fine old age and had been dead forty-six years before World War One began.

When was Laura Secord Chocolates created?

Laura Secord Chocolates was created in 1913.

What is Laura Secord's birthday?

Laura Secord was born on September 13, 1775.

Who was Laura Secord married to?

James Secord

When did Laura secord's mother die?

Laura Secord's mother died when Laura was only eight years old.

What is Laura secord's husbonds name?

James Secord

When did laura secord marry james secord?


When was Laura Secord born?

laura was buried beside her husband and i think in the niagara parks

Was Laura Secord British or American?

Laura Secord was born a British subject and died a Canadian.

How far did Laura secord run?

Laura Secord ran about 20 miles (32 Km)

Why did Laura secord die?

Laura Secord died because of how old she was, she was 93