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Q: What was the name of the famous black regiment the fought for the union during the civil war?
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Was Frederick Douglass the first black regiment recruited during the Civil War?

yes Chapdog82--- Frederick Douglass was a major civil rights activist in the 19th Century Noted for Books and Speeches on Slavery and Oppression. He was NOT a regiment! Two of his sons served in the 54th Massachussets Regiment. Which was not the first black regiment formed but one of the first Northen Black Regiments formed. the first Recruited regiment was probably the 1st Louisianna Native Guards or The First South Carolina Colored infantry. The first black regiment to fight was the 1 Kansas Colored.

What is a name of an African American regiment during the US Civil War?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry was one of the first official all-black unit on either side. It served with distinction as part of the Union Army, and their story is the basis of the movie Glory.

What did the African American during the civil war besides cook and clean?

Many African-Americans took up arms for their country. (Both for the Confederacy adn the Union.) For example, the 54th Massachusetts was a well-known all Black regiment. The African-American men that fought for the Confederacy were also promised freedom.

Why is Rosa parks so famous in black history?

rosa parks is so famous because she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger and carried the bus boycott and also did not fight with her hands but fought with her words and that is why rosa parks is so famous and a great role model for black afican americans

Famous black woman during reconstruction?

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton those are two but there are others

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What was the name of the famous black regiment that fought for the union?

The 54th Massachusetts was the first African American regiment that was recruited in the North. They first saw combat duty at the Battle of Fort Wagner.The regiment was led by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. He was the son of a wealthy Northern abolitionist.

Why was the 54th massachusetts regiment so important?

It was the first all-black regiment in American History.

Was Frederick Douglass the first black regiment recruited during the Civil War?

yes Chapdog82--- Frederick Douglass was a major civil rights activist in the 19th Century Noted for Books and Speeches on Slavery and Oppression. He was NOT a regiment! Two of his sons served in the 54th Massachussets Regiment. Which was not the first black regiment formed but one of the first Northen Black Regiments formed. the first Recruited regiment was probably the 1st Louisianna Native Guards or The First South Carolina Colored infantry. The first black regiment to fight was the 1 Kansas Colored.

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Black Watch - Royal Highland Regiment - was created in 1725.

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Black Watch - Royal Highland Regiment - ended in 2006.

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The Black Robe Regiment refers to a loosely organized group of American clergy who supported the American Revolution. It was not a formal organization with a specific creation date, but rather a term used to describe the role of clergy in promoting independence and providing moral support during the Revolutionary War.

Why is the 54th regiment important?

The 54th regiment was the first all black regiment to fight in the Civil War. It was authorized in March 1863, and was commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw.When the 54th fought to try and capture a fort over half of them were killed, including their own Colonel Shaw. However, because of the 54th, black men became a larger part of the Union Army, and were awarded for their courage and bravery.

How did Martin Luther King Jr do to become famous?

he fought for black people and stood up for them

Famous Indian leader?

There are a lot of Indian leaders who fought in many historic battles, but to name a few are Black Elk he fought in the Battle of Little Bighorn, then there was famous for fighting in the War of 1812, and then Red Cloud who fought in the Red Cloud war.

What is a name of an African American regiment during the US Civil War?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry was one of the first official all-black unit on either side. It served with distinction as part of the Union Army, and their story is the basis of the movie Glory.

Who were some African Americans involved in the US Civil War?

Frederick Douglas helped recruit for the 54th Massachusetts regiment, one of the first official black regiment units in the United States during the Civil War.

What is the Massachusetts 54Th?

The 54th Massachusetts Regiment was an all-black infantry regiment organized in Massachusetts and lead by Col. Shaw and other white officers. It was one of the first black regiments organized by free black men of the North.