No, confederate is almost like the opposite of yankee. During the civil war the southern states formed the Confederate States of America, while the northern states stayed the United States of America. The term for the northern troops was Yankee, and the term for the southern troops was confederate or rebel depending on which side you're on.
Dixie was the Confederate anthem.
The Mexican War preceded the Civil War. Many of the Officers and Troops on both the Union and Confederate sides received their combat experience during the Mexican War.
Jefferson Davis served as President of the Confederate States throughout the Civil War.
The Capitol of the Confederate States of America was in Richmond, Virgina
Approximately 360,000 Union troops and 258,000 Confederate troops died during the American Civil War.
He was the leader of the Confederate troops during that war.
Confederate Troops, as I know, now that I got it wrong
Arkansas provided supplies, troops, and leadership to the Confederacy during the Civil War.
They had fewer troops, lower population They had little in the way of manufacturing - this made it difficult to arm and provision troops.
Confederate Troops
John Smith
we stillgot cotton i guess lol :)
Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate (Southern) general in the American Civil War. he inspired troops, and held his ground during the Battle of Bull Run.
There were several generals during the Civil War who were leaders of confederate troops, but probably you are thinking of Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.
Richmond was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
The Confederate President throughout the Civil War was Jefferson Davis . The leader of the Confederate troops at Chancellorsville was Robert E. Lee, greatly helped by Stonewall Jackson, who was killed during this battle.