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continued to drift in a period of benign neglect

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England made the laws and the colonists were supposed to follow them. Many times the colonists used bouyotts and protests to get Parliament to repeal laws.

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Q: What was the relationship between the American colonists and the English during the middle of the 18th century?
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What was the relationship between the British and the Americans?

48% of the colonists were English.

How might the outcome of the French and Indian War influence relations between the British and the American colonists?

The outcome angered the relationship between the Native Americans and the English.

What documents addressed the relationship between the British king and the American colonists?

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During the middle of the 18th century the relationship between the American colonists and the English?

soured as the Americans came to believe that the British treated them like second-class citizens

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What increased tension between the colonists and American Indians?

The theft of food by starving English colonists strained the alliances between the English colonists and the Native Americans. The settlers also began to struggle with the Native Americans for control over the land where the colonies were located.

What happen to the relationship between native American and colonists after the French and Indian War?

its my HW and i wish someone will answer it better than me. here it is, they were enemies because the colonists won the battle.

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They fought each other in the America Revolutionary War. We are friendly to each other today.

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As more English colonists came to settle in Massachusetts, the situation changed. Many of the new colonists were not friendly toward the Indians and settled on more and more of their lands.

What are the differences between Canadian English and American English?

There is really not much difference between Canadian English and American English except that some words are spelt differntly and there is different slang too. The English language originated in Europe and when colonists came to Canada and the U.S.A they started developing into what we know today as modern English.

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I don't know!?! Did the Indains help the colonists???

How did the revolutionary war affect the relationship between settlers between settlers and Indians?

Neither the British or the Americans originally wanted support from the American Indians, ad it was unclear who the Native Americans would support. Two-thirds of the Iroquois tribes fought with the English against the colonists.