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Q: What was the slave class system in the antebellum south?
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What does the term Antebellum South refer to?

The term Antebellum South refers to the period before the start of the Civil War. The South had an agrarian economy that relied heavily on slave labor.

The slave based agricultural system in the south encouraged the development of?

a rigid social class system.

The biggest fear of whites in the antebellum South was?

The biggest fear of whites in the antebellum South was slave rebellions. The potential for uprisings among enslaved people was a constant source of anxiety among white slave owners and society at large. This fear was fueled by events like Nat Turner's rebellion in 1831.

What socio-economic system was the south's antebellum economy based upon?


What was the antebellum south?

The antebellum South refers to the period before the American Civil War (1861-1865) in the southern United States. It was characterized by a plantation-based economy that relied heavily on slave labor, especially in the production of cotton. Society in the antebellum South was hierarchical, with a small planter elite at the top and a large enslaved population at the bottom.

Compare and contrast the north and the south during the antebellum?

The South's economy was based upon agriculture and slave labor, while the North's economy was based upon industrialization and wage labor.

How did the economy of the south during the antebellum era compaer to that of the north?

The South's economy was based upon agriculture and slave labor, while the North's economy was based upon industrialization and wage labor.

Where was the second largest slave market in the Deep South located?

The second largest slave market in the Deep South was located in Savannah, Georgia. It was a significant hub for the buying and selling of enslaved people and played a crucial role in the economy of the region during the antebellum period.

How did call and affect the social and economic life in the south?

The demand for cotton affect the social and economic life of the South by creating a system of slave plantations, a rich aristocratic class which owned 90% of the slaves

The majority of White families in the antebellum South owned?

The majority of White families in the antebellum South owned enslaved African Americans. This system of slavery was a key foundation of the Southern economy, with enslaved individuals forced to provide labor on plantations and in households.

How many free blacks lived in the antebellum south during the 1850s?

in the 1860's there was 1253 blacks in the south

Why was the South called Antebellum?

the definition antebellum means pre civil war south or the southern government just before the civil war