The Border States were the slave-states of the Upper South which narrowly voted against joining the Confederacy.
They were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware.
Maryland was especially important, because if it had seceded, Washington D.C. would have been totally surrounded by enemy states.To prevent this, Lincon had to break the law by jailing some of their pro-Southern leaders without trial.
Maryland held out ratifying due to border disputes with neighboring states.
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri. Maryland tried to join the Confederacy, but Lincoln had the governor and the legislators arrested and put in prison without trial, and suspended the writ of habeus corpus to get away with it, to keep them from seceding. The Maryland leaders were replaced with pro-Union men. After seeing what happened to Maryland, Delaware did not try. Maryland sent soldiers and units to both sides, though, and so did Kentucky and Missouri.
It would later become their capital
There were four border-states. that is, slave-states that did not join the Confederacy - Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware. The local people, however, did take sides - very much so - all four of these states being deeply divided. Only one state was allowed to be neutral for a time, and that was Kentucky. When Confederates invaded, they were able to set up an alternative government, but it collapsed when the troops retreated. Missouri suffered guerrilla warfare throughout the conflict. Maryland saw riots at the beginning, but Lincoln had (illegally) jailed the pro-Confederate leadership of the state, and it stayed onside.
Maryland was the capital,first and foremost, and besides the border states being full of resourceful and tactical rivers, they had an exceptional populous. Had they been 'allowed' to fight for the Confederacy,it's likely the Union wouldn't have won the Civil War, as the South was already lower on population than the North, and having the Border States would have given them a substantial boost.
They were border states for the Union and Confederate. Maryland was especially important because it contained the U.S. capital (Washington D.C.)
Kentucky. Missouri. Maryland.
Virginia and Maryland dummies so stupid
Lincoln believed that the Border States were an important key to winning the Civil War. They were the states that had strong loyalties to either cause. Maryland was important because of its strategic location to DC. Delaware bordered Maryland and shared the peninsula with it and Virginia. Part of the Union strategy was also to blockade supplies to the South.
Maryland held out ratifying due to border disputes with neighboring states.
Maryland was one of the so-called "border states", it had slavery but did not secede from the Union. Maryland-like many states- provided soldiers to both sides in the conflict.
The border states were crucial to the outcome of the US Civil War. The border states in this answer were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. Here is a summary of why these states were so important: A. The above mentioned border States did not secede from the Union at the onset of the war when Fort Sumter was attacked; B. If 3 of the 4, namely Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland had joined the Confederacy, the so-called "white" population of the South would have increased by 45%, thus creating a larger pool of men to serve as soldiers; C. Also, the industrial base of the Confederacy would have increased been increased by 80%; and D. The succession of Maryland would most likely have caused the Union to abandon Washington DC as Virginia and Maryland would have the US capital surrounded.
Maryland and Delaware share a border, so it is theoretically possible to stand in both states at once.
The border states (Delaware, Maryland, and Kentucky) were important to the North during the Civil War because they were slave states that did not secede from the Union. Maintaining their loyalty helped to prevent the Confederacy from gaining more territory and resources. Additionally, their strategic location along the border between the North and South made them crucial for controlling transportation routes and communication lines.
Maryland and Delaware share a border so it is theoretically possible to be standing in both states at once.
washigton d.c is in Maryland so they had to protect it
The border states were called so because they were situated on the border between the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) during the American Civil War. These states were Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and Delaware. They were crucial because they had strategic significance and their allegiance could have tipped the balance of power in the war.