In the south there were no "free" slaves. Only the northern states had free blacks living. The slaves in the south had to have passes to leave the plantation and anyone who was black was a slave. If they were stopped by a white southerner they could be questioned, beaten, killed, and taken back to their owners. Those who escaped to the north had to be careful because the "free slave act" stated that any slave that was out could be considered a runaway slave. The slave catchers would go north and kidnap free blacks, chain them, and take them south as escaped slaves. One of the most famous cases of this was Northrup a free man who was taken against his will and it took him 25 years before he was able to return home. The slave catchers didn't care because they were paid for each black they returned south and as far as they were concerned there were no free blacks north or south.
Slaves in America were used for a variety of purposes. In the north, more affluent families kept slaves as domestic servants to cook and clean. Slaves could also be used for tasks in production, and some were taught to be skilled craftsmen or ironworkers. However, the vast majority of slaves were used on the vast plantations of the south. There, they planted, tended, and picked the crops (the most common of which was cotton, but also included tobacco, rice, and indigo) for extended hours essentially every day of their lives.
Slaves would work from sunrise to twilight for their entire lives
Because, they were property to their slave masters, and the slave masters could do anything that they wanted to the slaves in order for the slaves to keep their lives.
There weren't any slaves after the american civil war. They were freed by the emancipation act.
Killing your own slaves was not a crime.
The triangular trade involved the transportation of slaves from Africa to the Americas to work on plantations. Slaves were subjected to inhumane treatment, harsh working conditions, and brutal punishments. Many lost their lives due to the difficult and brutal conditions they were forced to endure.
If It Wasn't For Him Black People Would Be Working On Plantations.
yup because they had factories in the north and no or little plantations so less work for them to do :)
Life on plantations as a slave was extremely harsh and oppressive. Slaves were forced to work long hours in grueling conditions, often facing physical and emotional abuse from their owners. Families were separated, basic human rights were denied, and slaves had little to no control over their own lives.
slaves had very tough lives little food lack of sleep long hours working some were tourtered but they had the blues which is music that was created when slaves where working most blues songs are sad
they spent there time singing songs and working but praying and hoping to be free
After being bought at a slave auction, slaves were often taken to work on plantations or in households, where they were subjected to harsh working conditions and treated as property. Their lives were characterized by hard labor, limited freedom, and often physical and mental abuse. Their rights and autonomy were severely restricted, leading to a life of servitude and oppression.
Slaves were responsible for carrying out tasks assigned by their masters, which could include working in agricultural fields, household chores, or performing skilled labor. They had little to no control over their own lives and were subject to the whims and demands of their owners.
On the vast majority of plantations for the field slaves thanksgiving day was no different than any other day of their lives: dawn to dusk exhausting labor and occasional random arbitrary whippings and beatings; for the household slaves thanksgiving day would mean much extra work cooking food for their masters. Basically slaves got no holidays or other days off.
Slaves lives where mostly working in fields and crops working from dawn to dusk! Many slaves had unfair masters who beat them and treated them poorly. Many can from Africa and was carried to America. Many lost the there parents and siblings. They where sold from one owner to another. Some decided to run away from there masters and move north. They ran away with something call the underground railroad. This wasnt really a railroad it was a groups of slaves that felt they wonted to be free and used the stars to find there way to fredom.