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Technically they were, (usually) the northern states of the USA (north of the Ohio river). Yet, the Dred Scot decision by the USA Supreme Court really meant the entire USA was a slave nation prior to the Civil War. Dred Scot was a slave taken to a "free" state, and he argued for his freedom, but, the Supreme Court ruled that no matter where he was taken, Dred Scot was still a slave.

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Q: What were the free states of America?
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The United States of America.

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The United States of America is often referred to as the "Land of the Free" due to its founding principles of liberty and individual freedoms.

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In America there was 11 free states and 11 slave states, before the compromise.

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The Union in the American Civil War represented the free states (meaning slave-free states) plus five border slave states in the north of America. The Confederate States of America (the Confederacy) comprised the eleven southern slave states which had seceded from the United States of America.

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The American Revolutionary War between the 13 original U.S colonies and the British. After the United States gained independence in 1783 from Britain. That's how the United States (America) was set free from the British.

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The United States of America is 'free' because of promises from the constitution. For instance, "Freedom of religion".

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The "states", "America."

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When did the phrase the US of America originate?

The first known use of the formal term "United States of America" was in the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Paine, in February, 1776, had written of "Free and independent States of America." The terms "United Colonies," "United Colonies of America," "United Colonies of North America," and also "States," were used in 1775 and 1776. The first known use of the formal term "United States of America" was in the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Paine, in February, 1776, had written of "Free and independent States of America." The terms "United Colonies," "United Colonies of America," "United Colonies of North America," and also "States," were used in 1775 and 1776.