He proposed the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
Andrew Jackson did not like Henry clays profession so he ordered to hang him . Andrew Jackson did not like Henry clays profession so he ordered to hang him . Andrew Jackson did not like Henry clays profession so he ordered to hang him .
Millard Fillmore supported this compromise and signed it into law. It did little to settle the slavery issues it was designed to settle.
The Missouri Compromise, passed in 1820, admitted Missouri to the ... This time, Speaker of the House Henry Clay proposed that Congress ...
The name for the compromise proposed by Henry Clay for the admission of Missouri to the United States was the Missouri Compromise. It said that Missouri would be admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It kept the balance of power in the Senate between the slave states and free states. It also called for slavery to be banned from the Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 36˚ 30', Missouri's southern border.
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
The Maine, Missouri, Clay's, or Henry's compromise
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
Some people favored Henry Clay's proposed compromise while others said that we should just let slave states secede from the Union.
The Compromise of 1850
That doesn't make sense.
Jefferson Davis proposed the Missouri compromise.