The goals of the US in Afghanistan include destroying Al-Qaeda and to spearhead reconstruction of Afghanistan.strengthening its border with Pakistan
The main goal of reconstruction in the US after the Civil War was to rejoin the country into one Union. Another goal was to keep safe the freed slaves who were still in the Southern states. Another goal was to deny the political rights of previous slaveholders in the south.
Less severe type of reconstruction than radical reconstruction.
Abraham Lincoln did the reconstruction
Reconstruction is a very big subject you need to narrow the topic down a bit eg the reconstruction of Berlin or the reconstruction of a damaged shoulder
The goals of reconstruction were to readmit and rebuild the Confederate states and help African Americans back into society.
Passing the 13th amendment which was to allow 4 million slaves to be freed was one of the goals of the radical reconstruction. This was one of the feasible one.
I don't know that is why i am asking you
Regulate the railroads
They did not share the same goals on reconstruction
Reunify the nation
Reunify the nation
They did not share the same goals on Reconstruction
Google it. You can probably find a whole essay
The South had developed a more balanced economy after Reconstruction. The major goals were to rejoin all the states back to the Union and to help rebuild the South.
The goals of the US in Afghanistan include destroying Al-Qaeda and to spearhead reconstruction of Afghanistan.strengthening its border with Pakistan
The defeated countries weren't really in a position to plan ahead for postwar reconstruction.