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the native Americans most people think of lived before English settlers came to America

Native Americans still live in the U.S., but on reserves. They came to North America many thousands of years ago from Europe and Asia across the Bering Strait, which is now submerged in the ocean between Alaska and Russia. They were still cavemen then, following the animals they hunted and ate as they migrated. Over those many thousand years, they grew more and more advanced, up until the Native Americans as we know them.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Wow - this is why you can't trust the internet. The last answer read, "the native Americans moved toamerica in 1650"

Migration across the Bearing land bridge is confirmed around 10,000 BCE, although it could have started earlier. Settlement - in the broadest sense of the word - may have begun by 8000 BCE, but it occurred differently in different places and by different peoples.

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12y ago

It is not completely clear, although a longtime theory is that the ancestors of Native American tribes crossed a land bridge from Asia to the North American continent between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago. However, there have been discoveries of pottery in the US belonging to the indigenous peoples who predate the Ice Age by thousands of years.

Since studies of mitochondrial DNA do suggest that all living humans are descended from the same ancestors, they would have shared a common regional location at some point. Exactly when and how the American Indians came to the Americas is still a mystery.

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13y ago

They live all over the USA. (if your talking about the Native Americans that blended in with the rest of America). If you're referring to the ones that still remain in Indian tribes, they mainly live in the west on reservations.

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14y ago

Several thousand years ago.

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12y ago

before jesus

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Q: What year did the Native Americans come to the Americas?
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How did Native Americans use eggs?

Native Americans used eggs in a variety of ways. They would break them open and eat them raw for much nourishment. Sometimes they would bake them or scramble them. They also fed them to their horses to make them faster and give them endurance. The most unheard of thing that Native Americans did with eggs was on a certain night of the year, they would run around egging each others tepee's and horses just for fun.

Who was the first person to actually land in America?

The first people into the Americas were nomadic hunters. They didn't plan to come here, they followed the migrations of the game. There was no point where somebody said "hey, welcome to the New World" Like most people, they were interested in getting enough to eat and leaving things a bit better for their children. We don't consider them "Native Americans" as they weren't born here and they predate the development of today's Native Americans(Indians). Rather we call them "PaleoIndians." The first Europeans to arrive in North America -- at least the first for whom there is solid evidence -- were Norse, traveling west from Greenland, where Erik the Red had founded a settlement around the year 985.

Were African-Americans and Native Americans enemies or friends?

From my Native American and African American background, I can tell you that my relative native american and african american families worked along side each other on the plantation. No, they probably didn't enjoy being slaves on a plantation, but it is evidence given from my 100 year old grandmother. She made a book about our family history I never forgot and the native american/ african american mixing was the most recent (meaning 1800's) further mixing of my already west indian family line. So, they were friends and a little more.

5 When did the pilgrims arrive in North America?

the pilgrims arrived in the Americas in the year

How did horses and guns affect the Native American way of life?

First and foremost, it put the Indians on equal footing with the whites. But they could hunt much better with a horse and gun. Hunting buffalo became more efficient and certainly less dangerous as they could stay a safe distance away for the kill. As with every people prior to the advent of the car, horses meant power and coupled with guns changed their entire social structure.

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What was the main year the native Americans were around?

Native Americans have been in the Americas for at least 20,000 years and perhaps twice that long. They are still around today - so pick any year.

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Organized resistance by Native Americans on the southern plains came to an end in 1898. That was the year of the Wounded Knee massacre.

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