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The very first US $2 bill was issued in 1862, and it featured a picture of Alexander Hamilton.

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The original $2 bill was released in 1862, featuring a portrait of Alexander Hamilton.

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Q: When was the first 2 dollar bill issued and who was on the bill?
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What is the value of an 1858 US 2 dollar bill?

Please check again. The first federally-issued $2 bills were made in 1862.

Whose face on a 2 dollar bill?

The very first US $2 bill was issued in 1862 with a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. The bill was redesigned in 1869 and Hamilton was replaced with Thomas Jefferson.

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2 Dollars

What is the value of an 1857 US 2 dollar bill?

The first federally issued $2 bills were printed in 1862. If your bill is from a private bank, please post a new and separate question with more information to help ID it.

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The first federally-issued $2 bills were printed in 1862. You may have a privately-issued bill, a replica, a fantasy item, or something completely unrelated. Please post a new question with more information.

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You'd have to check back in 2062 because the first federally-issued $2 bills were released in 1862.

What is the value of a 1798 US 2 dollar bill?

Please take another look at your bill and post a new, separate question. The first federally-issued $2 bills were printed in 1862. You may have a fantasy bill, something that was privately issued, or you may be looking at a date other than the printing date or series date.

Who is on the first printed two dollar bill?

The very first federally-issued $2 bills were printed in 1862 and had a picture of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton's picture was replaced by Thomas Jefferson's in 1869.

What is the value of a 1914 US 2 dollar bill?

Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. There were no federally-issued $2 bills with that date. If your bill was issued by a private bank or state charter, include that information with your new post.

What is the value of a 1913 two dollar bill?

Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. There were no Federally-issued $2 bills dated 1913. If you have a privately-issued bill, include the name of the bank in your new question.

Who is printed on the one dollar bill?

The very first federally-issued $2 bills were printed in 1862 and had a picture of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton's picture was replaced by Thomas Jefferson's in 1869.

What is the value of a 1973 Canadian 4 dollar bill?

Canada only issued $1, $2, and $5 bills in the 1970s.