Bluitt is an alternative spelling of Blewett, and is thought the come from from Middle English bluet 'blue woolen cloth' or bleuet 'cornflower', possibly for someone associated with the blue colour, either their clothes or eyes. It came into English from French, although the French word is, unusually, Germanic in origin.
The surname Furrow could originate from the following origins below.1. English: A variant of English surname Farrow, an occupational name for an iron worker.2. Irish: A variant of Irish surname Furrey, meaning, "bushy eyebrows".See related links below.
Hudspeth is a Dutch surname. It can later be traced to Medieval England, where it is recorded as being the name of a town that has since been lost.
It depends on what you are signing your signature to as to whether or not your surname needs to be on it. On the most part, a surname is required when you write your signature.
Jose Rizal and his family got the surname 'Rizal' from his Chinese ancestor Domingo Lameo. Rizal means "Ricial or grains", and they started using it 1731. His true surname is Mercado, but to keep his family safe he used the surname Rizal.
The surname Crowder was first documented in the 1100s in Wales. It was a surname given to people who were musicians.
It is a German surname,,,
it was pure english surname
Stefanidis is a Greek surname.
D'iorio is an Italian surname.
Castaneda is a Spanish surname.
From a surname website: The surname Hayward is of English origin.
The Amstutz surname originated in Germany.
The Philippines, I believe. It is my surname as well.
The surname Reavey is an Irish name.
The surname Donaldson originated in Scotland.
The surname Chavarria comes from Spain.
what country did the Stromatt surname originate