Fort Sumter, a tiny island-garrison of the US Army in Charleston Harbour.
The shots were fired by Confederate artillery under P.G.T. Beauregard, on orders from his President Jefferson Davis.
The Civil War started in Fort Sumter, South Carolina. That was where the first shots were fired. This happened in 1861.
The Confederate states seceded from the Union and fired the first shots.
The first shots were fired by Confederate artillery in Charleston on April 12th 1861.
The first shots fired were April 12, 1861 at Ft. Sumter, Charleston Harbor. SC.
The first state to leave the Union was South Carolina. Six more followed before the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter. Lincoln responded by calling for volunteer-troops, and four more states seceded.
The South fired the first shot in the American Civil War.
The first shots were fired in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Fort Sumter
Confederate Troops
South Carolina
The first shots fired in the American Revolution, often referred to as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World," were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts.
The USS ward was the ship that fired the first American shots during the attack on Peal Harbor
The first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, SC
South Carolina
at Fort Sumter................
At Fort Sumter when the first shots were fired.
Confederates fired on Ft. Sumter in Charleston Harbor.