Providence Island (later joined with Portsmouth to form Rhode Island) was the first colony to allow for freedom of religion and separation of church and state. It was founded by Roger Williams after he was banished from Massachusetts.
the colonists were the people of the colony, so therefore they basically had to help if they wanted to keep the colony running.
Oh, dude, that's an easy one. Rhode Island was the chill colony that let people of all faiths worship freely. They were like the cool kids of the colonial era, just letting everyone do their thing without any drama. It was basically the original "live and let live" vibe.
Georgia is the colony founded for poor an unfortunate people. James Oglethorpe, had originally founded the colony so that people that were in debt can start over.
Georgia was an actual penal colony, but was not originally established to settle criminals. It was an alternative to Paupers' Prison, with George Ogilthorpe proposing and establishing the colony...
Some people in the new jersey colony was john berkley and george carteret
Rhode Island
They got along well with the people from Plymouth Colony, but that's about it. Baptists and Quakers, in particular, were not welcome and were driven out by force, if necessary. Rhode Island became a refuge for all the people the Puritans didn't like.
they were most welcome in Delaware.
They did not want their colony to be taken over by unbelieving pagans, so they did not have tolerance for anyone who did not believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God.
There are many famous authors who became well known for their welcome quotes. One of these people was William Shakespeare who used welcome lines in a lot of his plays and books.
Pennsylvania, founded by William Penn, was considered a Holy Experiment because Penn sought to establish a colony based on religious tolerance, equality, and fair treatment of Native Americans. He aimed to create a society where people of different faiths could live together peacefully.
The Church of England however it wasn't long before other faiths like Puritans arrived from Massachusetts. (For example the Reverend John Wheelwright settled Exter with about 175 people when he was exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony).
He was a radical Seperatist minister, he believe in religious tolerance. He believed that church and government matters should be seperated. He purchased land from the Narragansett Indians and established the settlement he called Providence, in which is now Rhode Island. Government and church were seperate, and people of all faiths, including Jews, were welcome!!
Dutch Reformed Church members were a prominent religious group in Colonial New York. They were part of the Reformed tradition and were influenced by their Dutch heritage. Other religious groups in the colony included Anglicans, Quakers, and Jews.
William Penn allowed religious freedom in his colony of Pennsylvania because he believed in tolerance and equality for all faiths. He wanted to create a place where people could freely practice their religion without fear of persecution. This policy attracted settlers from various backgrounds and contributed to the success and growth of the colony.
I really dont know but DONT trust other people on answers... :(