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Q: Which state was not a state at beginning of civil war?
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What state wasn't a state at the beginning of the civil war?

West Virginia

Which state was not officially a state at the beginning of the the civil war?

West Virginia

Which one was not a state in the beginning of the civil war?

West Virginia

What state was formed in the beginning of the civil war?

West Virginia

What state was not officially a stat the the beginning of the civil war?

West Virginia

Which slave state was not offically a state at the beginning of the civil war?

West Virginia - though there was very little slavery there.

Who was the president that suspended civil liberties and called state military into national service?

Abraham Lincoln suspended civil liberties at the beginning of the Civil War.

The beginning civil war placedateand who started it?

the beginning civil war battle place date and who started it

What state or states were neutral in the beginning of the civil war?

Kentucky was allowed to stay neutral at the beginning - Lincoln was worried about driving it into the arms of the Confederacy.

Why do you think that at the beginning of the civil war Lincoln did not say that he was fighting the war to end slavery?

because he want to his state to be free first

When was the beginning of the Civil War?

the civil started in 1861

Is North Carolina slave state list?

North Carolina was a slave state at the beginning of the Civil War and became a part of the Confederacy.