First and foremost, it put the Indians on equal footing with the whites. But they could hunt much better with a horse and gun. Hunting buffalo became more efficient and certainly less dangerous as they could stay a safe distance away for the kill. As with every people prior to the advent of the car, horses meant power and coupled with guns changed their entire social structure.
aerial jurisdiction pertains to the extent of authority a government or state can exercise with respect to aerial domains a state posses.
this simply means that this person posses a Masters Degree in History. he could probably be a professor, a school teacher, museum coordinator, author. etc.
President Abraham Lincoln spent a good portion of his 1861 inaugural address on the issue of secession. That part of his speech took the form of a detailed legal brief denying the constitutionality of secession. His words dovetailed the illegality of secession with his oath as president to hold, occupy and posses the property and places belonging to the US government. He equated secession with anarchy.
There are two reasons why America wanted to capture Iwo Jima. There were two airstrips on Iwo Jima and the Americans could use those to land broken B-29's that needed repairing. The other reason is that If the Americans are going to bomb japan, Iwo Jima would inform the main land of Japan and form a counter-strike. It was mandatory for the americans to take Iwo Jima, because if they didn't Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have been failures.
manifest destiny
posses a driver's license.
yes, it posses energy
You posses.
The tenancy in common legislation in California does not grant survivorship rights to the remaining owners of the tenants should one of them die. Each tenant can posses the entire property.
You posses.
If a ghost posses you, you wouldn't feel like yourself. You cant control your actions and emotions.