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Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British imports.

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Andrew Jackson was opposed to nullification, but he did not necessarily support the Tariff of 1828 either.

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Northern manufacturers

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Q: Who benefited most from the tariffs of 1828 and 1832?
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Who benefited the most from the Tariff of 1828?


The Southern political thinker who most prominently justified Southern resistance to the Tariff of 1828 was?

John C. Calhoun was a southern political thinker who prominently justified southern resistance to the Tariff of 1828. The nullification crisis is the time period from 1828 to 1832 when South Carolina challenged the Tariff of 1828.

Why did south Carolina threaten to secede from union in 1832?

So, president Jackson asked Congress to lower the tariff.It did so in 1832. But Southerners still thought the tariff was too high. South Carolina nullified the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832.this writing means most important this writing means nothing just more unimportant information

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The infantrymen benefited most from tanks. Tanks and Artillery support the infantrymen.

In why did South Carolina threaten to secede from the union?

So, president Jackson asked Congress to lower the tariff.It did so in 1832. But Southerners still thought the tariff was too high. South Carolina nullified the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832.this writing means most important this writing means nothing just more unimportant information

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Southerners benefited the most from the Dred Scott Decision.

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The group that was most benefited from the American Independence was Young White Men

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The group that was most benefited from the American Independence was Young White Men

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Ordinary investors benefited most from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Spanish people benefited most from the Manila galleon trade.

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The people of Cuba benefited. The people of Puerto Rico benefited. The people of Guam benefited. The people of the Philippines benefited. The people of the United States benefited. The people of Spain probably benefited in that they received $20 milllion and were rid of the expense of trying to govern their foreign colonies who were in rebellion.