Neither declared war.
The South was able to claim that it didn't want a war. It was just defending the (notional) borders of the Confederacy.
Lincoln could not declare war without recognising the Confederacy as a sovereign nation. So the North was just defending its territory too.
That is why there was no peace treaty at the end, only an armistice. And it's why some Southerners claim that the Civil War hasn't ended yet.
They didn't. The South had declared that they were not US citizens.
The American Revolutionary War began in 1775. The US Civil War began in 1861. Therefore the Revolutionary War was before the Civil War.
it started in w.d.c
The US Civil War was an un-declared war.
The American Civil War (US Civil War) was not a declared war.
The US Civil War was an un-declared war; and was a war of rebellion on the part of the south.
WWII was America's last declared war. Prior to WWII, the American Civil War (aka US Civil War) was NOT a declared war. Actually, prior to WWII, the war was called the "Cold War", but was not a declared war.
Yes. If the question is regarding a "declared war" or not; there hasn't been a US declared war since WWII. The US Civil War (1861-1865) was not a declared war either.
England - just after US declared an independence.
The US Civil War was an UN-DECLARED war, which commenced in 1861. The Civil War was a war of rebellion against the United States Government; the Confederacy was not recognized as a government; therefore the US did not declare any war against it...we were fighting ourselves. THE U.S. DID NOT DECLARE WAR AGAINST ITSELF.
Certainly. The US Civil War (War of the Rebellion) 1861-1865 was not a declared war by congress, and THAT WAS THE US FIRST MILITARY DRAFT! What makes Vietnam any different from that?
The same way the US Civil War (American Civil War) wasn't technically a war. Neither were declared.
Misinformed people believe un-declared wars aren't real wars; which makes the US Civil War also a "conflict" since the American Civil War was NOT a declared war either.