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The US Civil War was an un-declared war.

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Q: Which president declared the Civil War?
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Who was the president who declared civil war?


What wars eas not declared by Congress but was started when the president sent troops?

The US Civil War (1861-1865) & the Vietnam War (1961-1975).

Ietnam put America in a that was never officially declared?

The U.S. Congress never declared war on Vietnam. The president deployed troops without an official declaration. Since then, an act was created that was specific about how far the president could go without an official declaration of war by congress.

Vietnam put American in a that was never officialy declared?

The American Civil War (US Civil War) was not a declared war.

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In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln declared that the purpose of the Civil War was to... *

Congress never declared war during what conflict?

WWII was America's last declared war. Prior to WWII, the American Civil War (aka US Civil War) was NOT a declared war. Actually, prior to WWII, the war was called the "Cold War", but was not a declared war.

In the American Civil War who declared war on who?

the south declared war on the north and attacked fort sumtner

What president declared war on terrorism?

President Bush

Is the civil war a just war?

The US Civil War was an un-declared war; and was a war of rebellion on the part of the south.

Early in his Presidency Abraham Lincoln declared that his primary goal as President was to?

At the beginning of the Civil War President Lincoln stated that the war was being fought to preserve the Union.

Where was Abraham Lincoln when he declared war?

Lincoln declared an insurrection in April 1861. The Civil War, like the Vietnam War were un-declared wars.

When was war declared in the Civil War?

April 27 1861. NEW RESPONDENT The American Civil War was never declared. It brought out on Apr.12,1861 with the Bombardment of Fort Sumter.