Texas was annexed by the United States in 1845. John Tyler played a key role in the annexation of Texas.
The answer is Fort Astoria (which is now known as Fort George)
Benjamin Franklin
The Olmec had a theocratic form of government since religion played a key role. Priests were included in the upper class of Olmec society.
Professor Pillar's key criticism of the Bush administration during the preparation for the war in Iraq is that intelligence played a very small role in policy decisions. Furthermore, what intelligence was used was cherry-picked and misconstrued.
Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal eyeglasses and a clean burning stove. He also played a key role in developing the U.S. postal system.
Key role means an important role played by someone, meaning of it is positive in nature...
stephen f austin was a lawyer, settler, and administrator who played a key role in the secession of Texas from Mexico.
They played a key role by helping sparta with a better sea army in the war
Thomas Jefferson was one of the people who played key roles.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was a Mexican president and general. He played a key role in the Texas Revolution and the founding of the Mexican Republic.
Mehta,Tyabji & Telang are the three layers who played a key role in establishing this association. Dadabhai Nauroji also played a key role and he is the vice president of the association.
Raining frogs.
I think it was Bilbo Baggins
Juan Seguín was born in 1806 in San Antonio, Texas. He fought in the Texas Revolution and played a key role in the Battle of San Jacinto. After the revolution, Seguín served as a senator and mayor, but later faced discrimination and fled to Mexico. He eventually returned to Texas and died in Nuevo Laredo in 1890.
The judges played a key role in keeping the 12 tribes united .