Lieutenant John Worden, USN on the Monitor.
Captain Franklin Buchanan, CSN on the Virginia (previously the Merrimack).
The Confederate ship was called the Merrimack and the Union ship was called the Monitor.
This ship was the USS Monitor. She became famous after duelling inconclusively with the Merrimack, or CSS Virginia, on March 9th 1863 off Hampton Roads, Virginia.
The captains of idustry were millionaire who controlled a monopolized all industry in the country.
The Precinct Captains
Militias or Minute Men were required to be fully devoted to military exercises, fully equipped and ready to march out at a short notice. Unlisted under the direction of field marshal, they were to equal one quarter of the entire militia, and to be divided into separate companies of about fifty men each. The privates chose the captains and the captains were to divide the groups into battalions. The captains were then to chose the field marshals.
The monitor vs. Merrimack took place in 1862.
March, 9, 1862.
The Commander of Virginia (the former Merrimack) was CSA Admiral Franklin Buchanan. The Commander of Monitor was USN Captain L. Worden.
It was a Draw because the ships armor was to advanced for the times.
Tactically, it was a draw, but, strategically, the blockade held; so the Merrimack's mission failed.
None. Both boats were unharmed in the exchange before they retreated.
In the waters of Hampton Roads on March 9, 1862
Land; Gettysburg Water; Mobile Bay or Monitor vs Merrimack
If the question asks only about the crews of the two ships, the Monitor had a crew of 59, and the Merrimack had 320, but the entire two-day Battle of Hampton Roads involved thousands more. The Merrimack was joined by five CSN gunboats, and there were five USN warships at Hampton Roads. [The Merrimack sank two of them before the Monitor arrived.]
They used the Monitor in Monitor vs Merrimack. They used boats to transport the soldiers to the Peninsular Campaign,
The battle between the USS Monitor and the formerly known Union ship called the USS Merrimack, was the first ever battle between ironclad warships. The Merrimack had been reconstructed as an ironclad and renamed the CSS Virginia. Although the Monitor received the most damage between the two ships, for all practical purposes it was a draw.
March 8-9, 1862 In Virginia Also known as the Merrimack vs the Monitor