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They were writers whose exposes of corruption in business and government aroused public opinion and helped spur Progressice-Era reforms.They got their name by .......?

-I dont know that part but i know the first part !!!!

Just for you to know im in 5th grade !!!

--- Miss.Music ---

They're name was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt. Although never actually saying the term, President Roosevelt made an allusion to a passage written in 1906 by John Bunyan called Pilgrim's Progress

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12y ago

Muckrakers brought wider attention to a vast amount of issues through the publication of articles and books. They earned the name "muckrakers" because they were criticized as being obsessed with the seamier side of American life. They exposed urban political corruption and corporate wrongdoing.

A few famous examples would be Lincoln Steffens's The Shame of the Cities (1904), Ida Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company (1904), Upton Sinclair's The Jungle (1906), and David Graham Phillips's Treason of the Senate(1906).

The Jungle (which exposed stomach-turning practices used by the Meat-packing industry during this time) in particular was read by Teddy Roosevelt and essentially resulted in the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. This is an example of when muckraking had a huge impact for the better.

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12y ago

Muckrakers were journalist who exposed scandal and wrong doing in politics. There goal was to show the things that the government was covering up.

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