to increase their territory because before colonies with greater no. of contries conquered are believed to be more powerful
answer 2:The main noble reason why america conquered the Philippines is to educate the Filipinos and prepare them to be fit for the civilization.
Why did the Americans take the Philippines in 1899? to mine golds in different locations in the Philippines. Encyclopedia of the Philippines have long records of it.
With Pie.
The greatest contribution that America gave to the Philippines was Education When Americans sent Teachers t the Philippines called tomasites
The Americans colonized the Philippines for about 33-40 years.
it is intentional..
The Spanish conquered the Philippines, then the Americans fought the Spanish and took the Philippinges. Then the Americans fought the Filipinos in the Philipping Insurection. Then the Japanese conquered the Philippines during World War 2, and the Ameircans reconquered them.
The Japanese completely conquered the Philippines. Americans lost.
Philippines was not conquered by Britons anytime.
The Philippines were conquered by Japan in 1942, then re-conquered by the US in 1944.
because of bananas
The Americans
Why did the Americans take the Philippines in 1899? to mine golds in different locations in the Philippines. Encyclopedia of the Philippines have long records of it.
Technically yes, because England did conquer Philippines in 1762- 1764. But it was only for 2-3 years and they only conquered Manila. Hope this helped!
April 27, 1565
Because Japan invaded and conquered the Philippines:- The Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred between 1942 and 1945, when the Empire of Japan occupied the Commonwealth of the Philippines.