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Because they feared that a too-strong central government, would wipe out state powers and individual freedom.

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Q: Why might the antifederalists think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?
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Why might the Anti- Federalists think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?

it raised the power of the government by a lot. and therefore reducing the states power

What was the Anti-Federalists' main concern about the Constitution?

The anti-federalists believed that the Constitution would take away critical powers from the states, and warned that without a Bill of Rights the government might also take away the rights of the people that were just won in the Revolution.

What argument did president Abraham Lincoln use against the secession of the southern states?

Lincoln reasoned that the union created by the Constitution must remain intact. While the southern states claimed they had the right to secede, and that might have been true, the Constitution did not allow them to join any league or confederacy besides the United States of America. Thus, he argued, the existence of a Confederacy was in direct violation of the US Constitution.

Why did framers of the constitution favor bicameralism?

The framers of the Constitution favored bicameralism because it allowed for equal and fair representation. This is favorable to both large and small states.

Why you think the great compromise is so important?

The Great Compromise was important because it allowed all the states to have the kind of representation in Congress that they wanted. In the Senate, the states with small populations were equal to the larger states because each state had two senators. The number of representatives that each state had in the House of Representatives was based on the size of the state's population. So each group got part of what they wanted. I think this compromise was very important because there might not have been a Constitution without it. Without the Constitution, I think the country might not have survived as a strong, free nation.

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What is true about the beliefs of anti federalists?

Well, Antifederalist thought the Constitution took too much power away from the states and did not guarantee rights for the people. Some Antifederalists were afraid that a strong president might be declared king. Others thought the Senate might turn into a powerful aristocracy. Either way, all of the Antifederalists thought that if the Constitution was ratified, the liberties won at a great cost during the revolutionary war might be lost. By the way, I got all this information from a book called "Creating America: A History Of The United States" written by Jesus Garcia.

What is true about beliefs of anti federalists?

Well, Antifederalist thought the Constitution took too much power away from the states and did not guarantee rights for the people. Some Antifederalists were afraid that a strong president might be declared king. Others thought the Senate might turn into a powerful aristocracy. Either way, all of the Antifederalists thought that if the Constitution was ratified, the liberties won at a great cost during the revolutionary war might be lost. By the way, I got all this information from a book called "Creating America: A History Of The United States" written by Jesus Garcia.

Why might the Anti- Federalists think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?

it raised the power of the government by a lot. and therefore reducing the states power

Why might the anti federalist think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?

it raised the power of the government by a lot. and therefore reducing the states power

Why might the Anti-Federalists think the Constitution would reduce the power of the states?

it raised the power of the government by a lot. and therefore reducing the states power

Why might the anti-federalist think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?

it raised the power of the government by a lot. and therefore reducing the states power

What did the anti-federlists believe the constitution did not guarantee?

The antifederalists were concerned because their rights were not enumerated in the constitution, and they thought that if their rights were not listed, they might be infringed upon on the basis that the constitution did not grant them those rights. Hamilton got the constitution ratified by promising to add a Bill of Rights, which he did (see the amendments to the constitution).

Why might the anti federalists have wanted a bill of rights in the document?

The Constitution was originally written with no amendments. The part before the Bill of Rights has everything about how to run a government and nothing guaranteeing the rights of any citizen. The antifederalists wanted a Bill of Rights to ensure the Constitution guaranteed rights to citizens.

Why might the anti-federalists have wanted the bill of rights in the documents?

The Constitution was originally written with no amendments. The part before the Bill of Rights has everything about how to run a government and nothing guaranteeing the rights of any citizen. The antifederalists wanted a Bill of Rights to ensure the Constitution guaranteed rights to citizens.

What group opposed a Bill of Rights?

The Federalists oppsed the Bill of Rights, they opposed it because they thought that the Constitution had already given its citizens rights and they feared that the Bill of Rights might even limit people to those specific rights and that it gave the government too much power and limited the states the right to self-governship.

What was the Anti-Federalists' main concern about the Constitution?

The anti-federalists believed that the Constitution would take away critical powers from the states, and warned that without a Bill of Rights the government might also take away the rights of the people that were just won in the Revolution.

What do anti-federalists believe?

Anti-federalists believe that State government should be more important and more powerful than the Federal government. They also believe that the Bill of Rights is good and that it should be kept.