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The Allen brothers, when they established the settlement on Buffalo Bayou, named it after Sam Houston, the hero of San Jacinto, whom they admired. It was a political move, of course, they anticipated (correctly) that he would become the first president of the Republic of Texas.

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Q: Why was Houston named after Sam Houston?
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Facts about sam Houston?

Houston is named after Sam Houston

Houston Texas is named after who?

1. Yes, Houston, Harris County's seat was named after Sam Houston. Sam Houston was Houston was founded by J.K. Allen and A.C. Allen. Harris County once had the capital of Texas until January 14, 1839 when Mirabeau Lamar had the capital moved to Austin.

What was named after sam Houston?

The City of Houston.

How did Houston Texas received its name?

It was named after Sam Houston.

How did Sam Houston get his name?

His father was named Samuel Houston.

Is Sam Houston named after a state?

No, he was named after his father Samuel.

What is Sam's Houston famous quotes?

Houston was named after him and the crap dig

What impact did Sam Houston have?

Sam Houston had a big impact on Texas. Without him Texas most likely wouldn't have ever joined the U.S, because we would still belong to Mexico. Later, Houston (The city) was named after Sam Houston. Without Sam Houston's involvement in the Texas Revolution, Houston would be named something else.

How did Sam Houston name the city?

Sam Houston did not name a city after himself. The City was named by the Allen brothers.

Why was Houston TX named after Sam Houston?

At the time it was named, he was bigger than life as the greatest hero in Texas.

Was Sam Houston named after a famous person?

No, his father was not famous.

Who was Sam Houston's Secreatary of State?

Houston named Stephen F. Austin as his first Secretary of State.