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becauses hes a good guy

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Annabell Hickle

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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Q: Why was robber barons better than the other robber barons?
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Why was JP Morgan better than the other robber barons?

becauses hes a good guy

Why are the Mafia Bad?

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Reguardless of what they actually did, Industrial Leaders were both Robber Barons and Captains of Industry, but just the presentation of their lifestyle could be biased to illustrate them as just one or just the other. Usually, conservative viewpoints show them as Robber Barons and Libral viewpoints show them as Captains of Industry.

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Yep, I have actually met the player before. But, actually what he is just a famous robber that plays around. He has helped the other "robbers" same as the famous one of SaiNY. She is better than anything you can think of. Hope this helped.

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