Historically speaking, the notion that slaves are black is highly inaccurate. Slavery existed for virtually all of human existence. In most cases, it consisted of captured peoples from wars; thus, slaves were of whatever race a civilization conquered.
Starting around the Age of Exploration (1200 A.D and after), the practice of slavery began to specialize - no longer were most slaves used as general-purpose labor, but, rather, they became strictly agricultural workers. This happened for a variety of economic reasons.
With the European dominance of trade and conquest during the Age of Exploration, new agricultural opportunities arose in the New World, which created a massive demand for slaves to work these farms. For practical reasons, the European conquerors looked for where they could find the easiest and cheapest supply of slaves. It turns out, Western and Sub-Saharan Africa fit those requirements, where weak local governments were able to be coerced by the much-stronger Europeans to supply slaves (usually from inter-tribal warfare). However, indigenous Central and South American populations were also extensively exploited for slaves. Thus, the cheapest sources of slaves happened to be places where the peoples were either black or Native American.
So, for the "Golden Age of Slavery" (mostly, 1500-1800), Europeans imported slaves from Africa to the New World, and also enslaved many indigenous American natives.
In the United States, slaves were black, as the Native American population was quickly killed off or expelled westward, making them unavailable for exploitation as slaves (not to mention the population density of North American natives was radically lower than Central/South American natives). Black Africans were imported by the primarily Northern European powers which dominated North America; the Spanish and Portugese, who dominated Central and South America, and who were the prime users of native populations as slaves there, had little hold over North America, and did not import Native Americans there as slaves.
The result of all this is that Europeans, being the more technologically and socially advanced cultures at the time, dominated (and enslaved) the weaker African and New World cultures. Europeans were "white", while Western/Sub-Saharan Africans were black. Thus, slavery in (what became) the United States was black, not white or brown.
No there was not, It was all Black people
Technicaly, because in Colonial America, There were"Inden.tured Slaves" that were white; 100+years later, the white people kidnapped the Africans and forced them to work all day except Sunday, against their will
Black slavery in america was different by the 1800s. No states in the north allowed slaves by 1800s, and demanded that all black slaves should be set free. Until the 1850 to 1860, many slave owners had less than 100 slaves. In the 1700s, all states allowed slavery and white farmers treated black slaves very harsh.
The nearest US Census was taken in 1830. In that year the entire United States had a population of 12.8 million, of whom 10.5 million were free white, 0.3 million free black, and 2.0 million slaves. The census recorded slaves in all states except Vermont although the numbers outside the south were very small. In the southern states the total white population was 3.1 million with 1.9 million black slaves. In two states the free white population was outnumbered by black slaves: South Carolina, 258,000 white and 315,000 black slave Louisiana, 89,000 white and 110,000 black slave. The number of slave owners was not counted by the census that year.
Racism does not only happen between black and white people. It happens also with a combintion of all, oriental, hispanic, latinos, canadians.
No there was not, It was all Black people
White people have been slaves, as have been black people, yellow people, and red people. Slaves have come in all types of colors, and both genders; male and female. People of all ages, young and old, have been slaves.
yes actually all dogs see black and white
jaden's girlfriend is not only black and white, but she is all the colors of the rainbow.
Technicaly, because in Colonial America, There were"Inden.tured Slaves" that were white; 100+years later, the white people kidnapped the Africans and forced them to work all day except Sunday, against their will
First of all, she is not a poke'mon, it's a person, 2nd of all, she is not in Poke'mon Black and White, she is only in the cartoon.
Black slavery in america was different by the 1800s. No states in the north allowed slaves by 1800s, and demanded that all black slaves should be set free. Until the 1850 to 1860, many slave owners had less than 100 slaves. In the 1700s, all states allowed slavery and white farmers treated black slaves very harsh.
The nearest US Census was taken in 1830. In that year the entire United States had a population of 12.8 million, of whom 10.5 million were free white, 0.3 million free black, and 2.0 million slaves. The census recorded slaves in all states except Vermont although the numbers outside the south were very small. In the southern states the total white population was 3.1 million with 1.9 million black slaves. In two states the free white population was outnumbered by black slaves: South Carolina, 258,000 white and 315,000 black slave Louisiana, 89,000 white and 110,000 black slave. The number of slave owners was not counted by the census that year.
They were all treated differently and poorly by the white people.
Slavery has existed in many places for thousands of years and including many different types of ethnic people. Next answer: Slavery has been practiced by many cultures of all races over the millennia. It hasn't always been black slaves with white masters. In fact, slavery was quite common in Africa until very recently, and whites who bought slaves in Africa were buying them from black masters. Even in the United States, not all slaves were black, and not all blacks were slaves. There were white slaves, and free blacks. Even the laws of the period, if you read them, refer not to race but to the status of slavery or freedom.
An image that is only Black & White. Greyscale indicates the transition from black to white with all the shades in between.
No. Many slaves produced part white children because the kids' fathers were the white farm owners. There are many, many tribes in Africa that are totally negroid. You could make a better case for all white people being part black, since it is pretty clear that the first humans were black.