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The assesment of a patient is done by a nurse or doctor. This involves pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, using a stethoscope to listen to lungs, heart, and stomach. Sometimes the doctor may or may not press into your abdomen or stomach area to feel for tenderness or anything abnormal. They also lightly press your finger tips to see the capillaries refill. This is basic out-patient (a doctors appointment). In-patient (being hospitalized) could involve a doctor or nurse checking IV's, any open wounds, etc. Health history can drag on if you do not have a medicine sheet. Make a list of all the medications you are currently on. Right the name of the med on the bottle, the dosage and times you take it. Carry your pharmacy's phone number with you and your insurance card. The medicine sheet really comes in handy when you have to take alot of meds. Basically health history is when they ask you how old you are, have you had surgeries, do you have any chronic illnesses, any family history of illnesses, if you do or do not have Allergies, and if you can try and remember the names of past doctors and places you have gone before. Though this may get redundant, it is ok to simply answer "I am not sure".

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