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Regulatory sign.

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Q: A speed sign is a example of what sign?
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Is a speed limit an example of a regulatory sign?

Yes. A speed limit sign is an example of a regulatory sign.

Speed sign is an example of what kind of sign?

jheA speed sign is an example of a regulatory traffic sign. The Interstate system in the United States has both a maximum and a minimum speed requirement.Regalutory signRegulatory sign.

What kind of sign is a speed sign an example of?

jheA speed sign is an example of a regulatory traffic sign. The Interstate system in the United States has both a maximum and a minimum speed requirement.Regalutory signRegulatory sign.

What is sign after equal sign in formula?

It is generally positive(+) or negative(-).For example: speed = distance/time.

What is the name of A rectangular- shaped sign with Black and White Lettering is which of the choices?

Regulation Sign Example will be the Speed Limit 50

What color and shape is a Regulation Sign?

A regulation sign is a sign that gives you the regulation for something. These signs are always in white and black and rectangle in shape. An example is a speed limit sign.

What sign indicates the maximum speed on a curve?

Advisory speed sign

What does a square yellow sign with a speed sign in over a camera sign mean AND if there is no light above it is it inforceable sorry about spelling its late and Im tired?

A square yellow speed sign is not a Speed Limit sign, it is a sign listing the advised speed limit for that turn, but you are not required by law to be going that speed or under while going around that turn.

Whats The maximum safe speed on a curve is given a what sign?

advisory speed sign

What kind of sign warns you that the highest safe speed for the turn ahead is 25mph?

Advisory speed sign

What is the distance after a speed limit sign before the speed limit is enforced?

In the UK the speed limit comes into force as soon as you pass the speed limit sign. As such the distance is zero as you should have slowed down to the posted speed limit before passing the sign.

Difference between regulatory and advisory traffic signs?

Regulatory signs carry a legal penalty. Advisory signs do not. For example, a black and white speed limit sign is regulatory, and you can be fined for violating it. A yellow ramp speed sign is advisory and simply a safety device.