Well, if you want a game, there is Sims games.There is imvu too. But I'm not sure if you can actually have a child on imvu unless you purchase it in the shop so.....WAIT!Why do you even want to have a birth in qame?If you want to get pregnant do it in real life get a bf and do your thing.That goes to everyone who reads this!(Except for real mothers who actual did NOT fake it on a silly behind game)There you have it!
Probably the top ten virtual world games!SmallworldsBinweevilsclub penguinmoshi monstersWebkinzPandandamydinosStardollIMVUPoptropica
Sims and second life
go on googl, type virtual world games and click on any of them. Virtual world games is a website where u can chat 2 other members from around the world and play games. basically like club penguin and moshi monsters and stardoll etc.
Babydow and Babyvalley are two virtual baby online games.
jumpstart and kunfu panda world.
It is a virtual world where you can play games, shop for clothes ...etc
Xivio.com is great! Its a 3D no download free virtual world!!!
Xivio.com is great! Its a 3D no download free virtual world!!!
wooz world or meez
There are multiple Jurassic Park games.