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Sounds like it could be a frozen caliper or mis-adjusted brake shoes

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Q: Brakes make a squeaking sound smells like burned rubber?
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What compound smells like rubber when being burnt?


Why does your car smell like burning rubber?

Your car smells like burning rubber because a tube or a wire has gotten loose and has come against a hot part. Rubber is burning. Something is wrong. The smell is the symptom. The fire that will happen when the rubber has completely burned away and the fire breaks out is the disease.

Smell coming from brakes?

There are many different kinds of smells that could be coming from the brakes. There could be a burning smell.

Why does your snake smell?

Your snake smells. It smells like a putrid rubber fire. The snake was at a rubber fire with its friends. It seemed to enjoy the rubber fire. When a snake breathes in the toxins in the gases given off from the rubber fire, it will become flatulent in order to attract mates. But your snake still smells, so what are you going to do about it? Possibly apple sauce.

How does a gummy bear smells like?

Flavored rubber.

Which yellow solid element smells really bad when burned?

Sulfur is the yellow solid element that smells really bad when burned, emitting a pungent odor often compared to rotten eggs.

What causes rear drum brakes to smells?

Driving through a cow pasture.

Is rubber flamable?

1. get a lighter, 2. light rubber 3. if u see smoke or if it smells like buring rubber then YES ofcourse

What mineral has a unique property that when burned smells like rotten eggs?


If a Volkswagen Golf smells like burned rubber and smoke comes out from a part underneath the alternator is it the water pump or what else can it be?

Could be a seized pulley. Check to see that all pulleys and pumps etc thatt the belt rides on are turning.

Car heater smells like burning rubber?

A car heater that smells like burning rubber could be an indication of a belt that is slipping. The slipping belt smell can be drawn in from the engine compartment into the passenger cabin.

What Is a yellow nonmetal that smells of rotten eggs when burnt?

Sulfur is a yellow nonmetal that smells like rotten eggs when burned.