If you don't wish to read all this, then skip to the part of World of Warcraft, it is what I recommend the most.
It seems that most mmorpg games are made around magic, warriors, rogues, dragons, and other mystical things that are see that midevil times.
One game that comes to mind is Adventure Quest, is has a little action and is an mmorpg. The graphics and gameplay are a little dull, but are sufficient for those at a younger age.
A couple of the more popular mmorpg games are Runescape. You start in a tutorial where you learn the basics of making money and different ways to fight and train your skills. It use to be one of the most popular games until World of Warcraft came out (which will be mentioned next). It also centers around magic, Archery, swordplay, and has a vast world of players from all around the world and quests you can do when your bored. Your main goal is to level your favorite skills, make money to buy armor and weapons to fight monsters and other players (if that is what your into). The graphics are also a little out of date, but it is still a very fun game.
Now, as for the most popular MMORPG game of its time, World of Warcraft. This is the game that is the BEST and most popular game so far. Over 10million people around the world play it. It, again, centers around magic and everything people believe are fantasy. This game has so many choices it will blow your mind. You can choose between 2 sides. Alliance or the Horde. Both of which have their own specific Races, such as...
Alliance-Humans,Gnomes,Dwarfs,Dranei,Night Elfs, and the new Worgens.
Horde-Orcs,Undead (also known as "The Foresaken), Blood Elfs, Trolls, Taurens, and the new Goblins.
The Alliance is seen as the good guys, while the Horde are seen as the bad guys. They have been at war for years and still fight. I can't name every single thing you can do in this game, but the basics are these... You level up you character (starting at level 1 and working your way up to 85 which is SO FAR the max level.), Learn new skills, make money, do dungeons where you go through and fight mobs of enemies to get to the main bosses in order to defeat them and gain valuable items in the process. You level through gaining experience from killing monsters and doing quests. This is a vast world of gaming that can't even be described in this post. You meet cool people, annoying people, and even some people that you may not like (which you can choose to place them on an ignore list if you choose so.) You may fight other players, get gear for your character and become the best in the game! The down side is they come out with a new version every 2 years or so which you must buy to play the game along with a $15 dollars a month fee, which I must say is well worth it for the many many MANY hours of play and multiple things you can do in this game, I highly recommend it. It's not hard to figure out and is actually somewhat like a teaching device. It will teach kids how to type, teach judgement, slightly increase reflexes, and how to get along with other people.
One of the earliest graphical MMORPG's was Ultima Online.
For those of you asking the question "ARE THERE ANY ADULT VIRTUAL WORLDS WITH NO DOWNLOAD" 1. MMORPG is not a virtual world per se. its meaning is multi massive online role play game. MMORPG 2. And yes u do have to download them 3. Adult games are NOT for preteens who need to interact in the real world.
Roblox is a MMORPG or Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Players are abe to create a virtual world where they interact within various blocks.
One might find the top online MMORPG games in specialized sites such as mmobomb, mmorpg, mmohuts, gamigo, and many more gaming sites that offer MMORPG games.
The term MMORPG was given by "Richard Garriott", who is also the creator of first mmorpg, "Ultima Online" in 1997
MMORPG stands for "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game." Your welcome :)
Fantage is a MMORPG involving a virtual world containing a range of online games and activities, developed by Fantage, Inc. Players are able to customize their cartoon avatars from hair color to clothes and explore a town-like virtual world.
Code of Everand is a free to play MMORPG, which is also browser based. 100 levels to work through, plenty of quests to keep you occupied and loads of monsters to battle with.
You need to check it online to see if it is there
You mean a major multiplayer online role playing game? mmorpg? Than yes, yes it is
College tours can be found online through websites such as Campus Tours and YOUniversityTV. These websites offer videos, virtual campus tours, and interactive campus maps.
Club Penguin is an MMORPG involving a virtual world containing a range of online games and activities, developed by Club Penguin Entertainment (formerly New Horizon Interactive).