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Social Workers come to your house if you adopt a child or I am not 100% on this but most likely if you neglet a child toddler or baby the will take all your children away except teenagers. if it is anything like what they do in sims 2 I am not sure

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no. this is a non player controlled job. sorry

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Q: Can you become a social worker on sims 3?
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Sims 3 social worker?

There is one

How do you stop the social worker on sims 3?

look after your children properly

How do you become a social worker on sims 3?

You just can't. The reason is because the computer only can for some reason. Do not even try this because it is not a job or a profession for you. The game treats them as a "Service Sim" so only NPC sims can be social workers.

Can you have a baby on sims 1 PC?

You can have babys on sims 1, but you can only make them on the love bed, and the social worker comes alot, I prefer sims 2 & 3.

What other way you can get rid of the baby in Sims 3 instead of cheats?

torture them and the social worker will take them away >:D

What happens when on Sims 3 the parents die and have a toddler?

The toddler will be taken away by the Social worker and you will have to start another game

How do you delete a baby on Sims 3?

There is a way to delete sims on the Sims 3, but i don't know how to do that. What I do know is that if you leave the baby till it becomes really lonely, and then eventually a social worker will take it away. Then you can never have the child back. :)

How do you kill your toddler in the Sims 3 without the Social Worker taking it away?

I don't know but it's a lot of cheats and codes

Can you get your child back from the social worker in Sims 3?

No, once they take a child away I believe you can't see them again. Sorry:(

How do you become a vampire in sims3?

in the sims 3, your sims can not become vampires.

How do you make an orphanage in sims 3?

You can't, if Sim babies and kids on't have parents they get taken by the social worker.

Can What if your Sim Become A Werewolf On The Sims 3?

You can't become a werewolf on The Sims 3 yet OK.