Brutal legend is set in a medieval realm with warlords and shamans with not very good graphics but awesome one-liners from jack black... This is a game to buy.
No, there has currently been no announcement for a sequel to Brutal Legend.
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes is only available on Gamecube and Wii but unfortunately not on ps2. But it's well worth getting the Wii for it if you don't already have it.
Yes, Brutal Legend utilizes sandbox-style free-roaming gameplay.
With a controller.
Brutal Legend is a 2009 Tim Shaeffer video game starring Jack Black, Lemmy Kilmister and Ozzy Osbourne.
Brutal legend, I got both the day they came out.
October 13
no there are not.
soz no
You only get one axe in Brutal Legend. Unless you are talking about the axe upgrades in that case there are around 15 or so.