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At pspiso, you can download isos and csos. You need a custom firmware to play them.

( After you get ur firmware, put the isos, or csos, in an iso folder on your memory stick

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15y ago
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13y ago

No, the memory stick is the only way to store the files you want without interfering with the PSP's systems, which will definitely permanently screw up your PSP.

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8y ago

That's why it says memory stick under the games section on your psp.

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13y ago

Some games can be played from the memory stick on the PSP. Downloaded games and demos from the PlayStation Store show up in the memory stick section under games.

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What do you have to download to be able do download games to a psp memory stick?

You don't need to download anything apart from the latest firmware updates. On the PSP's menu bar, you can access the PlayStation Network, from which you can purchase games and download them to your memory stick.

How do you put games on my memory stick?

you install or download it on your computer than you drag it into the memory stick and you can have games in it and you can transfer them to other computers

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Does the video camera DV 182 take memory card or video cards?

Any memory stick should do the job.

How can you download trailers from the PSP website onto the PSP?

AnswerWell in order to be able to do that it would depend upon if you are downloading the trailors from the newly opened PSP store or the PlayStation website, if you were to download from the PlayStation official website then you would just simply have to download the selected video connect your PSP to the PC using a USB cord or Cable, If you are not able to do this then you could plug your memory stick into your computer which depends if you have a plug-in for the memory stick duo and save it under VIDEO. If you were to download from the PSP store then you would just simply have to plug the PSP in and download the playstation network downloader located at the store for free then download the video when the video is done downloading find where it saved to and double click it this will transfer the video directly to your to download free games to my dsi

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