yes you can fund the infernus without bernie having given it to you but wether or not its easier... but if you want to look around look in the "Times Square" i have seen it there one or twice
If you have PlayboyX's mansion, there is a place where they trash cars. Go there and on back of a small building, and there will be the Infernus.
I guess you are talking about the Infernus in GTA IV:In GTA 4, Niko will be given an Infernus as a present, so he doesn't have to make much of an effort to get one! After he has helped his friend Bernie (Florian) through the relevant missions, Bernie will ring and tell him that he has left him the gift of a car, which was originally a present from Bryce Dawkins, Bernie's boyfriend. When Niko goes to the "B" marker on the map, he finds the Infernus.The Infernus is a difficult car to find on the streets of Liberty City, but occasionally you seem them parked up. But of course when you drive Niko around in his own Infernus, you will see them spawned in traffic here and there.If you keep the Infernus gift on a safehouse parking spot, at least Niko can use it when he wants, and repair it if he needs to.
In GTA 4, Niko will be given an Infernus as a present, so he doesn't have to make much of an effort to get one! After he has helped his friend Bernie (Florian) through the relevant missions, Bernie will ring and tell him that he has left him the gift of a car, which was originally a present from Bryce Dawkins, Bernie's boyfriend. When Niko goes to the "B" marker on the map in Algonquin, he finds the Infernus in a car parking area.The Infernus is a difficult car to find on the streets of Liberty City, but occasionally you seem them parked up. But of course when you drive Niko around in his own Infernus, you will see them spawned in traffic here and there.If you keep the Infernus gift on a safehouse parking spot, at least Niko can use it when he wants, and repair it if he needs to.
In GTA 4, Niko will be given an Infernus as a present, so he doesn't have to make much of an effort to get one! After he has helped his friend Bernie (Florian) through the relevant missions, Bernie will ring and tell him that he has left him the gift of a car, which was originally a present from Bryce Dawkins, Bernie's boyfriend. When Niko goes to the "B" marker on the map, he finds the Infernus.The Infernus is a difficult car to find on the streets of Liberty City, but occasionally you seem them parked up. But of course when you drive Niko around in his own Infernus, you will see them spawned in traffic here and there.If you keep the Infernus gift on a safehouse parking spot, at least Niko can use it when he wants, and repair it if he needs to.If you decide to try and get a cheat code, suggest you look at dedicated GTA websites like gtawiki, and their cheats section.
If you want two sure ways of getting an Infernus on GTA IV and being able to stash them on the safehouse parking space:1) In GTA 4, Niko will be given an Infernus as a present, so he doesn't have to make much of an effort to get one! After he has helped his friend Bernie (Florian) through the relevant missions, Bernie will ring and tell him that he has left him the gift of a car, which was originally a present from Bryce Dawkins, Bernie's boyfriend. When Niko goes to the "B" marker on the map in Algonquin, he finds the Infernus.The Infernus is a difficult car to find on the streets of Liberty City, but occasionally you seem them parked up. But of course when you drive Niko around in his own Infernus, you will see them spawned in traffic here and there.If you keep the Infernus gift on a safehouse parking spot, at least Niko can use it when he wants, and repair it if he needs to.2) In one of Stevie's requests to find a vehicle, there is a gold Infernus. When Niko finds it, don't take it to Stevie's garage, but take it to a safehouse parking space, stash and save. The gold Infernus Stevie wants will respawn and Niko can go and get it again and take it to Stevie's garage.
I'm pretty sure that bernie/florian goves you an infernus, but i dont think you can keep it because mine went away. But the one steve asks you to steal you can just park it at your safehouse, save, and there will be the same infernus in the same place you stole it from but you still keep yours.
Apparently the Infernus in GTA IV is based on the Lamborghini Murcielago / Pagani Zonda.
STEVIE'S CAR THEFT: The Infernus is located in the Outlook area. It is on the first island (the one with the airport). If you are familiar with the swingset of doom, then locating the Infernus will be easy, it is just south of the monument, on the side of the road. It is colored grey. ELSEWHERE: There is no definite location for the Infernus, although it tends to appear when you are driving sports cars such as the Turismo or Banshee. In Brucie's later races, you may find an opponent driving an Infernus. If you shoot him, you can get it, but you will lose rep with Brucie in the process. EXCEPTION: After the mission Buoys Ahoy, call Bernie. After the conversation, he will tell you about a car of his and it will be marked on your map. His car is an orange Infernus with black decals on the side skirts.
in tierra robado
there is no cheat
Complete stevies car missions, the infernus you collect for him, will respwan in the same place forever!!! its a gold one, parked outside a pizza/salad diner on Montauk Ave in Downtown Broker here is a map with the location,156 if its not there when you get to the location drive round the block then it will be appear, ive tried this about 4 times on different days to make sure, and it definitely works!!!!
it is a mod not a cheat so you must down load it to PC version