You have to become best friends with one of the Sims and as time goes by you can click the person. Like say the guy you wanted to have a child with, his name is "Ronnie" For instance ,click him and there will be a chart that says Nice,Mean,Chat
Romantic!!! click romantic then it will say ; Tender kiss ; Romantic hug ; and Romantic kiss. You have to do all these things several times but not so many that they think your a weirdo because then they will leave and ask you to Leave them alone for good!!!!!!!!!!! but the way I did it is when you go to the Real estate office in the neighborhood you can make another Sim to come live with you and then follow the directions from there!!! Another way to raise their friendship with you is to makeout with them on the sofa. Have your self and another relaxing on the same couch (not arm chair!) and click on them, it should give you something to click that allows you to make-out. once you've done that a few time, have them both relax in the same "bed" again there should be a button that will let you have "woohoo" the Sim name for exchanging bodily fluids through the anus, or SEX!!! I've had 2 kids on there so far but you can only have 3 kiddies unless you unlock some kind of Mystery code!!
Good Luck!! this did not help me
Alexis headley! <(^^)> Kirby is pleased
hottchic94 outtie!!
The person above me was right, But that's on the sims 2. On the sims 2 pets, no, u cant have babies unfortunately :(
You cant have babies on sims 2, but you can on sims 2 pets(for playstation2) its the other way around for PC its very confusing
^ uuh, you are wrong. on sims 2 pets you cant have babies & on sims 2 you can. its not that hard to figure out. only your pets can have babies on sims 2 pets.
No on the Sims 2 (PS2) u ain't able 2 hav a kid... iv tried lyk sooo hard woohoo'in with Timmy but my sim, bex, ain't had a baby. BUT i read dis answer thingy n now i hav a kiddo... SO HAH! but i dunno if u cn get babies on the sims 2 PC wateva so u kno...
- Lil.Ashii.xx ( [+.+] Roby is happy wth ur answer. TY!
If you want to have a baby on sims2 just type in L1,R1,up,x,R2 (for the trophy out side your house in the game) and then while you talking with another sim type in the code triangle,circle,sqare,R2,left to set your skill level up. When you finish go to the trophy and go down the box and you will see logic click on that and go down the page straight to the number 10 click on tahat and if you have the telescope at night look at the stars with maxed out logic and wait till your sim will get abduced by aliens. when it will come back he will be sick and pregnant. ps: you can have the baby alien just with male not female. I hope I helped
you don't have babies
for the ''sims 2 pets'' for pc, sims can have babies but for ''the sims 2'' for playstation 2, you cant have babies
yes. you can have babies on any sims 2 game as long as its for the computer. you cant have any babies on the playstation though.
you can on PC but i don't know about playstation
No on Sims 2 Pets for the PlayStation 2, the SIMS cannot have the babies. It's the other way around. Dogs have Puppies Cats have Kittens.
As far as I know, no. If you have one, please share how you got it. : )
i dont think it will give you the option
you cant only in PC version but the sims 2 pets in the ps2 dog and cats can have :)
no sadly....all you can do is have a boyfriend or girlfriend and get married you cant have kids thats the only sims game that you cant have babies in the sims 3 and sims you can. also in the sims2 pets you cant have babies but your dogs and cats can.
no you can't you can only do it in computer games
no, you can't have kids on the sims 2 for playstation.
is the sims life stories on a playstation 2