You can only sell stolen items in Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V, to a fetch in the thieves guild or regular merchants after you have bought the perk that allows you to.
There is a lady living in a house that is unmarked on the map west of Riverwood on the north shore of the river. There are several hunting camps around Skyrim with hunters that sell items.
They are used to enhance your gaming experience or get you items faster or make you stronger or cooler looking. Or sometimes they are NSFW and can be used to arouse you.
To fix the no quest items bug in Skyrim you have to download the most recent patch.
You could try to calm them using a calming illusion spell of appropriate strength and then quickly talk to the merchant and sell your items.
Items that have been stolen by animals.
No, you can't.
Once the insurance company has paid the claim for stolen items they become the legal owners of the items.
Duplicate Items Using ScrollsThis duplication glitch will still work even after installing the version 1.2 patch (or on the PS3 version, which comes with it installed).Acquire two or more copies of the same scroll. The number of identical scrolls that you have will determine the number of duplicate items you can create.Open your inventory.Highlight the stack of scrolls and select them once.Highlight (but do not equip) an item (either single or a stack) that you wish to duplicate, and drop it.Close your inventory and on the floor will be multiple copies of the item that you dropped.Acquiring a large number of identical scrolls can be difficult. However, as long as you can find two identical scrolls to start with, you can initially use the exploit to repeatedly duplicate scrolls. Once you have a large number of duplicated scrolls, you can then start duplicating other items. When the duped scrolls are on the ground, pick up one scroll and repeat the process.This is useful for duping arrows as you will need a large number of scrolls to dupe arrows. When duping arrows, it may be helpful to drop all the arrows that you want to be duped except for one. This may seem counter-intuitive but they will build up faster that way.(Example: With 33 scrolls and three arrows duped you will get 11 arrows on the ground, because 33/3=11. But with one arrow duped you will get 33, because 33/1=33.) Just like you did with the scroll duping process describe above, pick up one arrow and repeat.Duplication of stacks of items works best if the number of scrolls is an exact multiple of the number of to-be-duplicated items in your stack. So 33 scrolls can be used to duplicate 11 rings (creating 3 "items" on the ground, each containing a stack of 11 rings). 1000 scrolls can also be used to duplicate 100 potions (creating 10 "items" on the ground, each with 100 potions). Using stacks can be much more effective when duplicating large numbers of items, in particular because it reduces the number of individual items on the ground, preventing game lag problems.Nirnroot, stolen items, quest items, and items repaired or damaged at all will not duplicate.this information was collected from one of the elder scrolls wikis so I hope it helped
They are part of the Radiant quest system, quests that are randomly created from a database of locations, people, and items. There is no end to them, the game will have a new one for you every time you ask for one.
they just send the items to a different address then go get it later