Yes. When the game starts up for the first time, it will ask if you want to enable graphic content. If you want to change it at a later time, go to Campaign -> Options. Note that the option to change graphic content isn't available in the Zombies or Multiplayer options menus.
Get a new computer/console or turn down the graphic settings.
Far Cry 1 Nvidia Geforce 2 GTS, ATI Radeon 8500 or better Far Cry 2 Nvidia Geforce 6800, ATI X1650 or better
Yes.Heck Yes. Way better graphic's and everything. No doubt that halo reach is good, but Far Cry 2 is wayyy better.
It is in the gameplay options.
yes you can
There is very little nudity in Far Cry 4.The main game has a few video scenes that can't be switched off.There is no nudity in the player generated maps.
i think their will be a far cry 4
Far Cry instincts for the PS2 was cancelled
Far Cry (2008) is rated R.
Far Cry Instincts happened in 2005.
Far Cry Vengeance happened in 2006.
A Far Cry From Kensington was created in 1988.