Yes, you can play Guitar Hero while using your wireless Xbox 360 controller. The wireless standard controller is all I play Guitar Hero with, the guitar is too complicated and the controller just makes everything easier. The only thing I haven't figured out about Guitar Hero when you use the standard controller is how you use the Whammy Bar. Otherwise, the controller is an excellent way to play Guitar Hero.
Yes it can actually, the Guitar Hero Drum Kit and the GH Microphone can also work on Rock Band but you don't use the orange cymbal on the drums
No, you can use the guitar hero 3 controller, which is wireless, for guitar hero two
Yes, guitar hero 5 comes with an improved guitar controller and it is wireless, which makes the game a lot easier.
Read the manual and it says what buttons you're supposed to press on the 360 controller
yeah it will but you can't tap with the guitar controller on guitar hero two.
By plugging in the wireless dongle to the controller port.
yes... remember xbox 360 can play many of the original xbox games.... i think that it may be true for this case.... so yea itll work..
No it isn't.
No, you have to have the headset that plugs into controller or the wireless one you can purchase...
That completely depends. Is the guitar hero 3 controller for the same platform as the guitar hero 2 controller ? (I.e. xbox 360 or ps2)
if its wireless ya if wired
you need a controller (Guitar controller or xbox controller) and i think you need a little receiver (or is it not needed?) and the game, and a tv