The best way to do it is this:
Enter these Wonder Mail Passwords:
P4CR =-+= 7#XJ
+=&4 %#T9 ++=J
P=QK S1%8 C6S@
941F 9N4= &8=C
-08M 4C@3 RPKT
J#34 =%&F 5CSP
KY6F 8931 Q#%0
T0&C 5YFW 553T
FT99 0-PX 2Q=N
Y25+ RW&@ H5Q4
4PKC H%8T -JW%
999W =NQ- -N1%
Do the missions. They are golden seeds, use them all on your main until he is level 100, they give 5 levels each
Then enter these Wonder Mail passwords:
36FC WHPP -6%=
=&YC TN5@ X#8P
M5%S 5%7H HJWM
QRHJ F7WW 5416
P60@ N%PP PNR@
37=N +K8X 5-8-
8=1J TFQ% -K0P
4Q67 JCMY 22P0
530+ %N=W T&JH
41JN 7YK- 98FW
&Q=+ =&-5 466Q
2R+- XR&J NS%2
FT0N 0XY& +=##
Take the jobs, get all 8 max elixers, put them on whatever move you want. When you do this, your level (100) combined with the added power of the ginseng moves, will pretty much kill anything in one hit.
If that's not enough, get yourself some On-Shot orbs, I'm a little too lazy to get 8 codes on 8 floors, so here, I'll give you 8 codes for floor 1 of the Beach Cave, and as an added bonus, they'll all be Golden Chamber missions, so you get boxes as well as the orbs. :)
F%NX 13@F W015
6YQ# FH%W @58C
0S+4 XR&H 9S72
FTFN 0Q6S +%2R
6MY& X43N T4W5
6846 T=#5 45MS
31&J M695 4H9J
3M+C 0R-6 -RNW
+=6P @6@+ S84K
@RQW %7&0 3KR&
1C=Q Y63W 4+03
=YNM 049F 1880
0CT8 7Q@9 @WC3
HK4T M=P0 8@C9
Enter them, do them one at a time, and viola! 8 one-shot orbs. I hope that all this combined will help you do what you want. :) if you need anything else, submit a request here:
Pokemon Platinum is the next game that is said to hit the shelves in the US some time in 2009, maybe. Another mystery dungeon game is called explorers of the sky. Explorers of the sky, continues the story after explorers of time/darkness. It also includes what happens to grovyle after he drags dusknoir into the future. Hope you enjoy. If you need more proof, go to
Sometimes the Pokemon asks you can it join your team and if you hit yes it will but sometimes it doesn't asks you, and you need to be in certain part in the game.
you have to get hit 99 then it will work.
The same way you do in Pokemon explorers of time. You have to go to some mission in the spacial rifts then you have to be the person to hit him last, if your partner hits him. It will just say you defeated Palkia, oh and I don't remember how to get the mission on the spacial rift, nor do I know how to get the dungeon. Well, hope I helped. :)
All main Pokemon DS Games:Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black and White (coming out next year)Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DS Games:Pokemon Blue Rescue Team, Pokemon Explorers of Time and Darkness, Pokemon Explorers of SkyPokemon RangerPokemon Ranger, Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs.Those are all the DS games for Pokemon. Pokemon is a big hit for the DS and all Pokemon games are now only for Nintendo DS and Wii, which is quite unfair.
well there are lots of codes that are great like the one hit knockout code
you get ginseng when you hit certain ranks, or from zero isle north, south, east, and west
enter the cheat code dolphin blood and then you should receive the Pokemon leesmith and it will use the move currybomb and destroy it in one hit
if you have an ar go to code junkies and search Pokemon platinum its there somewhere
hit start+select+L+R in the middle of legendary encounters and you automatically catch it
If your talking about Pok'emon Mystery dungeon explorers of time, it's kind of impossible.
Depending on the cheat, it varies. Let's say you entered the "MAX CASH" cheat. Anywhere you just hit L + R, and you'll have 99,999$ cash in your wallet. All cheats are repeatable.