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No, only the Leader of the Pack, who is a wolf.

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Q: Do dogs eyes glow in Sims 2?
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What color do dog eyes glow at night?

in the sims 2 pets, the dogs eyes do not glow, but through a camera lens in real life, they seem to glow a greenish white.

Where do you get eyes from in your Sims?

i have added 2 links where you can download eyes for you sims. keep in mind though they are for the PC version and for the Sims 2.

Can you have custom eyes on the old version of sims 2?

yes you can customize eyes for your sims on body shop or download them on the sims 2 website

On sims 2 ps2 what kind of other animals can you have apart from cats and dogs and where can you get them?

On sims 2, you can get any animals. But if you mean sims 2 pets, you can ony have cats and dogs

Can big dogs and little dogs have puppies on sims 2?

in real life you could but the small dog has to me the male in sims no

How can you marry 2 dogs on sims 2 pets?

yes you can

Can you have a baby on the sims 2 pets ps2?

no you cant have a baby in sims 2 pets ps2 but your dogs can!

How do you marry two dogs on sims 2 pets?

Pets, cannot marry in sims 2 pets.

Can dogs have babies on sims 2 pets?


Is there a reason why your houses glow red on sims 2 double deluxe?

THAT DOESN'T happin To Me :D

How do you make your sims 2 dog a werewovle?

The dogs can't be werewolves, only the Sims themselves.

How do you get a family into a community lot on sims 2?

by looking at them by there eyes...