Yes, it is called "Hand of Reckoning" located in protection talent tree.
Black Paladins was created in 1979.
Paladins in Troubled Times was created in 2008.
The duration of Paladins in Troubled Times is 2700.0 seconds.
Paladins are leaders to the troops. They help your troops and raise the morale of your troops.
A taunt is a battle cry
Depends on the spec of the paladin. Protection paladins are better with 1h/shield. Ret paladins are better with 2h weapons. Holy paladins are better with 1h/shield too, but just for the stats that are on the weapon (ie. Int).
It is certainly possible, but difficult. Retribution paladins have a lot of burst damage and survival cooldowns, and holy paladins have a lot of burst healing and survival cooldowns. Neither would be able to run the other out of mana, and kiting would be useless. Retribution paladins would stun the holy paladin as they are casting their heals, hoping to kill them before they will be able to heal themselves again. Holy paladins would keep themselves alive for a while, hoping to kill the retribution paladins with Consecrate. Chances for the holy paladin would be rather slim.
/taunt or /t
an taunt mean tight
Luigi's up taunt