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Minecraftnet is the only place where you can register the premium account that you need to play the full version of minecraft.

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Q: Do websites other than minecraftnet have minecraft?
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Where can you get Minecraft other than Minecraftnet?

There is no other LEGAL place to buy Minecraft.

How do you get free Minecraft gift cards for Minecraft?

Other than receiving one as a gift, you can't.

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Can you get ammo on Minecraft?

Kill Skeletons to get arrows. Other than that, you need to craft it.

How do you get to the world editor in Minecraft.?

There isn't one natively included in Minecraft other than your hands. There are some available for download, such as VoxelSniper or Mcedit.

Is there any other game where you can build other than minecraft?

Yes there is roblox but i wouldent sudgest it it is bad

Can you get minecraft pocket edition Cheeper than it is?

Can you get minecraft Cheaper than it is.

Is it true that minecraft is coming out on the Xbox360 later in the year?

Yes, Minecraft is being ported by a studio other than Mojang and will be on XBLA later this year.

Did markus perrson make any other games than minecraft?

yes he made three. one is minecraft, one is cobalt, and one is scrolls

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Do you need to pay for Minecraft?

There is a lite version for the pocket edition, but other than that you have to pay.