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Or any other server mod(canary,hMod etc.)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: Do you have to have a bukkit server to have plug-ins on minecraft?
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How do you install plugins for a default minecraft server?

You drag it into the plugins folder. If you want plugins in your minecraft server use bukkit, not the vanilla minecraft server.

How do you install plugins to a Minecraft Server as I do not have a plugins folder or a dot jar folder?

Install bukkit

How do you add warps to a minecraft server?

You need a server using Bukkit, and there are multiple plugins for it.

What is Minecraft Bukkit?

Bukkit is an API (application program interface) that changes the way plugins interact with the minecraft program. Most server mods will use Bukkit instead of attempting to 'hook on' to the actual minecraft software.

How do you install plugins on a Minecraft server?

You go to BukkitDEV or Bukkit Plugin list. Then Download and take the .jar into the plugins Also, some come with folders so put the folder in the plugins folder aswell. *Note* You need a Bukkit server for this.

How do you update a craft bukkit server for minecraft?

Download the latest CraftBukkit server from corner of the home page). For plugins, click on 'Get Plugins'.

What plugin can you use to get ranks in a minecraft server?

You'll need Bukkit. There are various plugins; I use PermissionsEx

How can you add plugins to your Minecraft server?

instead of using the jar file from the minecraft website get one called craft bukkit you can find a million tutorial on craft bukkit just use google or youtube

What is Bukkit?

Bukkit is an Minecraft Server Hosting software.

How do you download mob disguise on minecraft i still dont understand can you make a server for me then give me the server address please?

It's pretty easy. You're gonna need a Minecraft BUKKIT Server, just search 'Bukkit' in your browser. Once it's all set up, go into your server folder then go into the 'Plugins' folder. Which is obviously MobDisguise, then drag the ZIP into your 'Plugins' folder. Now run your server and enjoy!

How do you make a normal server have bukkit pulgins?

You can't... To make a server that can use plugins, you setup a Bukkit server from their website... it's not possible to put plugins on the Minecraft_Server.exe type servers (not currently anyway)

How do you fix your Minecraft server files and other things from not saving?

Go on bukkit plugins and get a saving program that should help it and if it doesn't work re-install the server files.