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Q: Do you need whirlpool to get in the cave where you find Lugia in silver version?
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How do find Lugia on silver?

you find lugia in whirl island you need surf and flash to get around but you need the HM whirlpool to get past the whirlpool at the entrance of the cave

How do you catch Lugia on Pokemon Heart Gold?

get silver wing from the old man in pewter city then go to whirlpool island go to bf3 then last go into the cave and get lugia

Do you have to beat all kanto gyms to get a Lugia in Pokemon heart gold?

No, I got lugia in the third cave using whirlpool. If you want to know where Lugia is he is off the coast of olivine , the third cave use whirlpool get through the cave and then you ll see the hardest Pokemon to catch LUGIA! It took me so many times to catch him. My advice is to save before and turn off if LUGIA dies.

Where is Lugia's cave?

In Pokemon silver I think

Where do you get Lugia in wirl island?

After you receive the Silver Feather from the man in Pewter city, you can enter the whirl islands to get Lugia. You need the HM whirlpool, to get into the appropriate cave. The cave is off Route 41. Go past the bald guy and down that long winding path, and into the last room at the bottom.

How can you rebattle Lugia without a cheat even if you did catch him on soulsilver?

you'll have to transfer your Pokemon to a diffrent version and start all over again and go to ollivine city and go to whirlpool island you'll also have to get the silver wing and go to the end of whirlpool island and talk to some dumb bald guy and talk to him then he will let you past him then go into the cave thing and you'll see the Chinese girls and go to lugia and press a if you have a ds and you'll battle lugia at level 45

Where to find Lugia in Pokemon Silver?

Firstly, you must have defeated team rocket at Goldenrod city. Once you have done this, you will receive the silver wing.This is important as it is the key to finding lugia. Make your way to whirlpool islands, and you must have a Pokemon that knows the move whirlpool. Once you are in the island and in the cave, it may take a while for you to find lugia. Just keep looking. It is a long way!Good luck! - it might be difficult...Lugia will be level 45, you can use a masterball to catch it, you can obtain a masterball at New Bark Town from proffessor Elm!

What to do at whirlpool islands in Soul Silver?

On the one with 3 boulders go to the the top right fall of the ledge keep going and go down a ladder go to the cave at the bottom and you will find lugia but you need a silver wing and a tidal bell.

What is in the whirlpool cave in HeartGold?

Some items. After visiting Pewter City and talking to the old guy you can find Lugia down there.

What cave do you go to to get lugia?

Whirl Islands, you'll need HM Whirlpool and HM Surf to get there,

How do you catch Lugia in Pokemon crystal version?

The first thing you have to do is to get the Silver Wing from an old man in Pewter City in Kanto. Just walk around the town, you will eventually see an old man standing around, Talk to him and he will give you the Silver Wing. Then, go back to the Johto region. Go to Olivine City. Make sure you have Surf, Whirlpool. and Flash i think. Surf all along the east coast down from Olivine City until you get to the Whirl Island that is in the bottom right corner of the sea. Use Whirlpool to access the cave. Light up the cave using Flash. Make your way through the cave by going through the ladders at the top of the cave. Eventually you will get to a cave where there is a large waterfall. Go down the waterfall and as soon as you reach the bottom, turn left and there will be another cave. Lugia will be there at Level 70.

Where do you get lugia in soul silver?

The same place you get him in from the Original Version. The only difference is that the cave is completely remade, so it will be new to people who have even done the original one.