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The first battle with Bass, after defeating Flamman, is unwinnable. He has an aura with unlimited health, meaning he is invincible, and you are SUPPOSED to die. The second battle is winnable. He has an aura with 100 health, so you'll have to deal him 100 or more damage in a single hit before you can start damaging his HP, and the aura will regenerate, so be careful. Try not to run of chips: if you do, you're toast. He will use single buster shots, the buster raker attack available in his Gigachip, a flamethrower attack that widens out, and the devastating Earthbreak attack. Use invis and mole chips to stay out of trouble. Otherwise, just Dodge. Hit him with powerful chips when his aura is destroyed.

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Q: HOW TO defeat Bass Megaman white network 3?
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Where did they get the name Bass in Megaman Battle Network?

Bass is not just in Battle Network, just as Megaman is not just in Battle Network; he is merely that series' incarnation of the franchised character. The name Bass is the English version of the name, and is meant to correspond with the robowolf Treble (get it!?). Treble is Bass's version of Megaman's robodog Rush. In Battle Network, Treble is effectively converted into Gospel, as the features are similar and the two team up at the end of MMBN 3 to create the super powerful BassGS, or Bass Gospel Soul.

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Nope, but you can get a chip from Bass.

Where do you find Bass BX In Megaman Battle network 6 Falzar?

the samw way you find him in Gregar , go to the undernet zero from green area ( examine the back of the big tree in green area 2 ) move around until you find Bass and defeat him , then go to the Graveyard and defeat Bass SP ( you need all the standered chips to battle him ). if you have already done this , just go to underground 2 , go to the plateform where you battle Falzar Beast megaman . you will battle Falzar Beast megaman SP first , then you will battle Bass BX .

On MegaMan Battle Network 5 how do you get Bass Cross?

i dont not if this is right but you must beat bass in nebula hole 6

Does bass from Megaman have his own game?

Nope. He has to share a game with megaman in "Megaman & Bass" for the SNES and GBA.

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yes, but you need a game shark

How do you get to udernet 3 in mega man battle network 6?

In Megaman Battle Network 6, It doesn't have The Undernet 3, but it has Undernet Zero where you can fight Bass at there.

What does forte want with Megaman?

bass hates megaman for stopping him from destroying humanity

Who is stronger bass of serenade in Megaman?

Supposedly they are about equal, although in MMBN 3 Serenade tells Megaman (after he's been defeated) that he beat Bass (known to Serenade as "Him" and "He"), although it took him several days to vanquish him. But . . . Bass is stronger. No question. That's why he's the FINAL boss in MMBN 3 and not Serenade. Though it can take longer to defeat Serenade, it is easier.

How do you get to battle naphalman in megaman battle network 2?

NapalmMan's door is unlocked when you get every NaviChip in the game except for PharoahMan, NapalmMan, PlanetMan, and Bass.

How do you fight bass in Megaman battle network 4?

First you must get all 6 Soul unions to get in the area were he is, then you must get all the standard chips to fight him